Accounting and Payroll Software
AccountantsWorld provides “accountant-centric” solutions and services that enables accountants to provide premier solutions for their clients. The power of cloud-based accounting and payroll services allows them to best serve clients while adding value to their businesses. The AccountantsWorld suite includes best-of-breed solutions for:
- Write-up and trial balance
- Client Accounting Services
- Live Payroll
- After-the-fact-payroll
- Document management and client portals
- Practice management
- Website for accountant firm
Learn More about the
AccountantsWorld integration.
How does SwipeClock integrate with Accountants World?
The current integration between AccountantsWorld and SwipeClock supports employee synchronization from Payroll Relief and TimeWorksPlus. Timecard data from TimeWorksPlus is also imported in a format for processing payroll in Payroll Relief.
- Employee Sync – Relevant employee profile data is passed from Payroll Relief to TimeWorksPlus.
- Timecard Import – Initiate the payroll process by importing timecards from within Payroll Relief.
(Note: SwipeClock is working with AccountantsWorld to update this integration to support field mapping and WorkforceHUB. Watch for a new integration available early 2020.)
What data syncs between Payroll Relief and TimeWorksPlus?
Basic employee data is passed from AccountantsWorld to TimeWorksPlus.
Time card data is exported from TimeWorksPlus in format import importable to AccountantsWorld.
How do I enable and use the AccountantsWorld integration?
Documentation on the current integration is unavailable. Contact AccountantsWorld Support.
(Note: the new AccountantsWorld integration–available early 2020–will be developed and supported by SwipeClock. For more information, contact SwipeClock.)
Where do I go for Support for this Integration?
If you are an Employer, please be aware that this integration is supported by your Payroll Provider.
For Payroll Providers, support for this integration is provided by AccountantsWorld.
- Contact form
- Phone: 888-999-1366