Accountix Software
Payroll Software
Extreme Payroll Solution is an integrated front and back office management system tailored to the (PEO) Professional Employer and (ASO) Administrative Service industries. Extreme can be either an on-premise or private cloud solution, allowing unrestricted access to and ownership of data. As a privately-owned company, Accountix prides itself in implementing technology that meets the needs and best interests of its clients.
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Accountix Software integration.
How does SwipeClock integrate with Accountix?
Accountix Extreme is the primary system of record. Employees in Extreme are pushed to SwipeClock for initial setup and subsequent updates. Payroll data from SwipeClock (once finalized) is pulled from SwipeClock to Extreme with a single click.
How do I enable the Accountix integration?
The SwipeClock Setup Overview provides all information necessary to configure and use the Accountix Extreme to SwipeClock integration.
Where do I go for Support for this Integration?
Support for this integration is provided by Accountix.
Please contact the Accountix support team by email: or by phone: 801.224.2900.