Apex Payroll
Payroll Software
Apex® HCM provides cloud‐based payroll and HR software technology to over 325 payroll service firms nationally. Apex’s customizable, suite of products and services include payroll, payroll tax, human capital management, applicant tracking and onboarding, time and attendance, reporting, manager and employee self‐ service, ACA compliance, mobile apps, workers’ compensation, payroll debit cards and other business management tools to businesses of any size.
Learn More about the
Apex Payroll Software integration.
How does SwipeClock integrate with Apex Payroll?
The SwipeClock integration is available for Apex Employer OnDemand and Employer on the GO. For more information on signing up to activate the feature please review the SwipeClock agreement available in the Apex Community. The integration allows the automatic import of transaction and the updating of employee information from Employer OnDemand to SwipeClock
Clients using SwipeClock to track time can automatically import their transactions in a detailed format directly into Employer OnDemand’s transactions. The interface with the SwipeClock system can be found in Payroll Transactions. There is a button in the Action menu called “Get Web Transactions.”
FAQs on the SwipeClock/Apex integration
Both TimeWorksPlus and TimeWorks can be integrated with Apex Payroll. The integration was written and is managed by Apex Payroll. Please contact Apex Support to start the process for using the integration.
- Does SwipeClock charge to use the integration? There are no additional fees from SwipeClock for using the integration.
- Will the integration work with my TimeWorks and TimeWorksPlus clients? Yes. Apex Payroll has written the integration to work with both the SwipeClock TimeWorks and TimeWorksPlus systems.
- Who do I contact if I need help setting up the integration for my client in payroll? Please contact Apex Support to assist with payroll related setups.
- What employee information will populate in SwipeClock? As provided by Apex Payroll, the following Apex Employee Setup fields will populate in the SwipeClock Employee Setup page: Employee ID, Alias ID, Last Name, First Name, Middle Name, Hire Date, Separation Date, Location, Department, Job Title, Phone and Email.
- Can I still use the Download Activity File to export the timekeeping data from SwipeClock? Yes. The DAF will also need to be used to export timekeeping data for your SwipeClock clients that have custom settings. (i.e. Custom pay categories)
- Can I still use the Bulk Employee Import feature in SwipeClock after the employees have been populated from Apex Payroll? This option is only available in TimeWorksPlus. The Bulk Employee Import feature will use the Employee Code as the identifier for adding additional information to an employee in the TimeWorksPlus system.
- Can I prevent my clients from making changes to employee information in SwipeClock? This option is only available in TimeWorksPlus. You can set the “ExternalRecordsSetOptions” Processing Rule to disable a client’s ability to edit the Employee Setup page.
- How does data transfer? Employee data only transfers one way–from Apex to SwipeClock.
- Who do I contact if I cannot get the hours into Apex for running payroll? Please contact Apex Payroll for issues related to the integration.
How do I enable the Apex integration?
A document detailing how to configure the current Apex integration is located here.
Where do I go for Support for this Integration?
If you are an Employer, please be aware that this integration is supported by your Payroll Provider.
For Payroll Providers, this integration was developed by and support is provided by Apex.
- Email: support@apex.com
- Phone: 555-888-5588