Company Code
Every Company is identified by a companyCode. The companyCode is a string, and may be set to whatever the integrator chooses, with the exception that a companyCode may only include alphanumeric characters, no spaces, or special characters. The companyCode must be unique among all companies created by the Partner. The companyCode has no meaning or functionality in WFH, so Swipeclock suggests that integrators use the payroll system’s identifier as the companyCode, in order to avoid having to maintain a mapping between the payroll system and WFH identifiers.
Required Company Fields
The following fields are required when calling the Create Company endpoint:
- companyName
- stateCode
- phone
- timezoneId
- partnerProductLevelId
Both the companyCode and companyName fields must be unique within a Partner.
Note: While not explicitly required, Swipeclock recommends that integrators always send the Company’s Address and Phone number, as these are used in Onboarding.
Company Field Validation
If provided, these fields must match certain formats:
- federalEIN – ##-####### or #########
- zipCode – #####
- stateCode– Must be one of the 50 standard two-character US state codes, as well as ‘DC’ for the District of Columbia. Use the Get States endpoint to get valid state codes.
- timezoneId – Use the Get Timezones endpoint to get valid values.
phone – ###-###-####, (###) ###-####
Company Organization Levels and Organizations
There are three Organization Levels: Department, Location, and Position. Integrators can create or update Organizations in these Organization Levels using the Upsert Company Organization or Upsert Company Organizations endpoints.
Organizations Levels are used during the Onboarding process. The hiring manager can assign the incoming employee to a single Organization for each Organization Level. These Organizations will then be provided as part of the New Hire data to be sent to the payroll system.