Processing ESS Updates

If the configured product level includes HMRS, employees can request updates to some of their WFH profile settings, including:

  • Address
  • Cell Phone Number
  • Federal W4
  • Direct Deposit Settings

ESS change requests may be identified through the Get ESS Pending Changes endpoint which returns a list of the changes that need to be made and which have not been acknowledged yet.

How these requests are processed depends on your configuration setup and whether or not you are integrating with a payroll system. Contact your Business Development team member if you have questions about your setup.

If you are integrating with a payroll system and it is the system of record for employee data, synced employee data from the payroll system will overwrite those fields in WFH.  In this case, when self-service update requests are made, you will need to update the Employee’s information in the payroll system and resync the updated employee back into WFH.

The Get ESS Pending Changes endpoint will/will not contain changes as follows:

  • Address
    • If there is no external system of record, and your setup is configured to automatically update addresses, it will be updated in WFH, and the change request will NOT be returned by the endpoint. In this situation, you can use the Get most Recent ESS Address Change endpoint to get the change if you want to.
    • If there is no external system of record, and your setup is not configured to automatically update addresses, the change request will be returned by the endpoint, and the change will need to be made in WFH manually.
    • If there is an external system of record, the change request will be returned by the endpoint.
  • Cell Phone
    • Cell phone changes are always applied immediately in WFH.
    • If there is no external system of record, the change request will NOT be returned by the endpoint. In this situation, you can use the Get Employees endpoint to get the latest cell phone number for the Employee if you want to.
    • If there is an external system of record, the change request will be returned by the endpoint. You will need to use the Get Employees endpoint to get the latest cell phone number.
  • New Hire
    • If there is no external system of record, a new hire will be created in WFH, and the change request will NOT be returned by the endpoint.
    • If there is an external system of record, the new hire will be returned by the endpoint.
  • Direct Deposit & Federal W4
    • Direct deposit and Federal W4 change are always returned by the endpoint, regardless of the system of record.

A key/value pair will be returned for each change returned by the endpoint.  The value in this pair will be used in the call to the corresponding Get Recent ESS Change endpoint. For example, for a direct deposit change the following key/value pair is returned:

key:   “EmployeeNumber”

value: <employeeCode>

When calling the Get Most Recent ESS Direct Deposit Change endpoint, you would use the employeeCode returned by the Get ESS Pending Changes endpoint.

Processing of each change type is described below.